‘Hajj and Umrah Mediathon’ Awards Winning Projects and Honors Partner Entities

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Media Salman Al-Dossary, H.E. the Assistant Minister of Media Dr. Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Maghlouth honored today the winning teams in the 2024 Hajj and Umrah Mediathon during the winners' announcement ceremony at the King Fahad National Library in Riyadh. The event was held in partnership with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and the Pilgrim Experience Program.
The ceremony was attended by H.R.H. Prince Khalid bin Talal bin Badr, Secretary-General of the King Fahad National Library, editors-in-chief of newspapers, directors of media institutions, media leaders, and interested specialists.
This year's competition witnessed the registration of more than 1,300 teams from various regions of the Kingdom, of which 30 teams qualified to participate in 3 tracks: Creative Content Production; Languages and Translation; and Media Services and Facilities.
In the Creative Content Production track, the three winning teams were "Shuaab Platform," "Masha’er AI," and "Hajj Platform." In the second track, Languages and Translation, the winning teams were "Al-Sahafi Al-Hajj," "LanCul," and "Palmi." As for the third and last track, Media Services and Facilities, the winning teams were "Mou’id," "Rushes dock," and "Khandamah."
Alongside celebrating the participating and winning teams, H.E. Al-Maghlouth also honored the entities that made this event happen: the main partners, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and the Pilgrim Experience Program; as well as the on-site partners, which included, the broadcasting partner the Saudi Broadcasting Authority; the memorabilia partner, the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts; the hosting partner, the King Fahad National Library; the production partner, add dimension; and the digital support partner, Zanjabil.
Celebrations over and aside, the next two phases for the winning teams were announced, "Qualification" and "Bridging." These phases involve building work plans and budgets, and connecting all qualified teams with relevant entities from the Media and Hajj and Umrah consortiums to support them in implementing their projects on the ground.